P.G Sem II and IV Admission
U.G Sem-II and Sem-IV Admission Link
UG Regular Examination Form No

जिनका भी महाविद्यालय के Website पर Examination Form No. Update हो गया है वे लोग विश्वविद्यालय के Website ppuponline.in/examination_payment_search.php के माध्यम से दिनांक 27/11/2024 तक अपना Examination fee Payment कर सकते हैं |


Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at G. J. College , Bihta was established in 1970. The first Head of the Department was Dr. Harnath Prasad, he held his distinguished duty from 15/02/1971 to 31/12/2000. D . Arun Kumar Sinha and Dr. Pratibha Kumari Verma have also been well-known teachers of this Department. Dr. Arun Kumar Sinha joined his duty on 01/07/1975 and retired on 31/03/2016. The tenure of Dr. Pratibha Kumari Verma was from 21/07/1980 to 14/04/1983. Now this department is being run by Dr. Shalini Kumari and Dr. Vinita Tiwari. Undergraduate courses are being run by the Department of Psychology. Counseling Cell and Career Counseling Cell are also established for the students under the Psychology department. Lab of this department is also rich and student friendly.