U.G Sem-IV Commerce Admission
U.G Sem-IV Humanity Admission
U.G Sem-IV Science Admission
U.G Sem-IV Social Science Admission

जिनका भी महाविद्यालय के Website पर Examination Form No. Update हो गया है वे लोग विश्वविद्यालय के Website ppuponline.in/examination_payment_search.php के माध्यम से दिनांक 27/11/2024 तक अपना Examination fee Payment कर सकते हैं |


To inculcate Spiritual, Ethical, Moral, ecological and social values to the students from all section of society.To develop simultaneous education of the Hand, Heart and Head.To disseminate the findings of research to the community to facilitate its development.

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